Your web presence starts with a domain name

Search for a domain you always wanted

Most domains – such as .com, .net or .biz, – are available for anyone to register. However, some domain names come with extra requirements you will need to meet. Domains can be 2 to 63 letters, and words can be separated by hyphens, but not spaces.,

To own a or you must be an Australian registered company, or business with a registered business number (ABN, BRN, BN).

(The licence requirements for a and domain name require your business to be registered for business in Australia, this means registering your business or company name with one of the official Government Authorities, eg ASIC, State Dept. of Fair Trading, or alternatively by obtaining an Australian Business Number (ABN) from the ATO.

The domain name you order should have either be an exact match, acronym or abbreviation of the supplied business registration, or it should bear a close and substantial connection to the domain name.

.com, .net, .biz, .info, .org

These domain names are not restricted or regulated by .au Policy Rules. They are therefore policy free and anyone can register them. If you own a company name, or a trademark, register an domain name to prevent anyone else registering that name.,

To qualify for these domains your organisation must be a "non-commercial organisation". The domain name you register should have a solid relationship to the organisation to which it represents.

Especially designed for individuals who reside in Australia. You may register ANY personal name by which you are known.


These domains are intended for people in, or with ties to, the United Kingdom. Anyone can register them - there are no restrictions, other than a minimum of 2 year registration.


These domains are intended for people in, or with ties to, New Zealand. Anyone can register them - there are no restrictions.


Intended for websites designed for a mobile device. Anyone can register them – there are no restrictions on .mobi domain names.

For further information, please see the full Domain Registrant Agreements.

Registrants' Benefits and Responsibilities

All domain providers, including AuComputech, are bound by the 2009 Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) between ICANN and it's accredited registrars. We encourage all domain registrants to read this document and understand your rights and responsibilities for domain registrations: Registrants' Benefits and Responsibilities